Help Kids Learn to Value Time for Enhanced Development

Each year more children are falling behind in their education. With limited jobs and higher competition, proper education is becoming increasingly more essential. The future economy is set to be even more competitive where kids will be competing on a global scale. Every parent wants their child to succeed. However, schools don’t determine success. Parents take the driver's seat when it comes to the hours outside the classroom. And it’s the time after the school hours that makes a huge impact in a child’s future. That’s why by tweaking a few things in their parenting book, parents can ensure a better future for the kids. One mistake most parents make is allowing kids to have way too much of ‘screen time’. It was a problem even in the past when TV was an active source of entertainment. But it’s become more rampant in today’s age of smartphones and smart gadgets. Back in the day, the average screen time was somewhere around 20 hours a week. But now i...