
Showing posts from February, 2024

Why should I trust Kumon as the best after school programme for my child?

  Choosing the right after-school program for your child is a big decision, and Kumon understands your need for trust. While "best" is subjective, here are some key reasons why Kumon might be a good fit for your child:   Individualized Learning: Kumon goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. Your child progresses at their own pace, mastering concepts before moving on, which builds confidence and a solid foundation for future learning.   Focus on Mastery, not Memorization: Unlike programs focused on rote memorization, Kumon emphasizes deep understanding and problem-solving skills. This promotes critical thinking and a genuine love for learning.   Proven Track Record: With over 60 years of experience and millions of successful students worldwide, Kumon has a proven track record of helping children excel academically.   Holistic Development : While core subjects like math, reading, and English are the focus, Kumon also fosters valuable life skills like se

How can I improve my child’s Math skills?

  Helping your child improve their Math skills can be fun and rewarding! Here are a few ideas: Make it playful: ·          Games:  Board games like Monopoly or Yahtzee use basic math skills, making learning fun. ·          Cooking and baking:  Measuring ingredients and doubling recipes involve practical math application. ·          Card games:  Simple games like War or Go Fish utilize counting and basic addition/subtraction. Engage their curiosity: ·          Puzzles and brain teasers:  Challenge them with age-appropriate logic puzzles that involve numbers and patterns. ·          Real-world examples:  Point out math in everyday activities like calculating grocery bills or estimating distances. ·          Encourage questions:  Don't shy away from answering their "why" questions about math concepts. Create a supportive environment: ·          Use flashcards:  Make them fun and colorful, practicing regularly in short bursts. ·          Practice workshe

Tips to start a pre-school

Remember, starting a preschool requires dedication, planning, and a heart for nurturing young minds. With passion, hard work, and these tips, you can create a thriving l earning environment for children! 1.       Passion & Planning: Passion fuels success. Research regulations, curriculum options, and your target community. Create a detailed business plan addressing finances, staffing, and marketing. 2.       Location & Licensing: Secure a safe, stimulating space that meets licensing requirements. Obtain necessary permits and insurance. 3.       Curriculum & Staffing: Choose a developmentally appropriate curriculum aligned with your values. Hire qualified, passionate educators who share your vision. 4.       Enrollment & Community: Network, participate in community events, and spread the word through targeted marketing. Offer open houses and trial programs. 5.       Budget & Operations: Create a realistic budget, secure funding if needed, and establish