Parenting Doesn’t Have to be Hard. Read These 7 Tips – Kumon


Waking up in the middle of the night, skimping on sleep regularly, changing diapers all the time, worrying about education, safety and their future, making tough decisions you’d rather like to avoid - parenting can be a tough nut to crack; but only because we make it so hard for ourselves in the first place. We focus on everything else that’s not parenting and forget to break it down to components that make up our parenting role -- such as communicating, listening, sharing values respectfully and problem-solving fairly.


To sum up, at Kumon, we believe that parenting doesn’t have to be hard. And hence, we are here to share 10 tips that would make the job easy-peasy for you. If you too feel overwhelmed by the responsibility, please read these tips.


  1. Love your child

The best way to make parenting easy is to love your kids no matter what. No amount of love is ever enough when it comes to kids (and most adults). Use your words or your actions to demonstrate your love for them. Tell them stories at night, kiss them good night, and hug them (without seeking a reason).


  1. Stay dedicated

The second most important rule is to stay dedicated. Parenting is not like your regular office job - there are no fixed hours after which you can get back to your own life. It’s a 24X7 job with no benefits and no holidays. So, no matter how annoyed you feel, stay dedicated to your child. Trust us, your efforts will pay off.


  1. Plan things ahead

When it comes to planning, your kid’s education, their college, their health insurance, etc. aren’t the only things. With the introduction of Early Childhood Programmes, you can also plan your kid’s efficacy in studies and ensure a brighter future for him/her.


Kumon Early Childhood Programmes aim at building a firm foundation in mathematical skills in children through self-learning. You can learn more about the programme and its benefits for your child on the website.


  1. Appreciate and encourage whenever possible

A few words of encouragement can work wonders in someone’s life - and you know it better than anyone. But, did you know that a few words of encouragement and constructive criticism can help your child be more confident, ensure a smoother emotional, physical and social development, and become a better, more successful person?


So, whenever you feel there’s a need, tell your kids how proud you are of them. For more help on understanding how you can help build your child’s confidence and self-esteem, read this blog.


  1. Set rules and follow them consistently

Showering love on your children is necessary, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for them to act out or get the best of you after doing something wrong. You need to be strict whenever necessary, to teach them important values that’d make them a better person.


  1. Take out time to spend with your child

Children grow up too fast - and if you are not aware, you might miss out all the opportunities to be there for them, to spend time with them, and create memories they can come back to and feel loved. So, no matter how fast-paced your life is or how busy you are, find out time for your child.


  1. Be the person you want them to be

Children have role models growing up. A lot about their personalities and actions are a result of what they learn from their role models. And parents, being the ones they spend the most time with, are more likely to be the first role models. Now, as parents, you might have certain expectations from your children. But to make sure they turn out like you expect them to, you have to lead by example. Be kind to others, be yourself around them, show your affection for your spouse if you want to, don’t hide your vulnerabilities just because you have to act strong in front of your children.


Last but not the least, always trust your gut. There’s no guide, book, or another resource that can make you a good parent. Best of luck!


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