Kumon at Home - A Guide for Parents


Kumon early childhood education programmes, be it for English or Math, both work the same way: 2 days a week at Kumon learning centre and homework for the rest of the non-centre days. This, as explained in most articles about Kumon learning programmes help reinforce the lessons taught at the centre - and allows the students to practice.

Kumon at home worksheets are very useful for kids. The time is utilized in establishing a routine, developing proper study habits and creating lasting motivation. Now, the process can be a bit easier, or, to say simply, the chances of the Kumon programme to be a success for the kid can be higher if the parents (given they have a higher amount of interaction with kids while they are at home) get involved and support the child at home.

Since some of you reading this article are new to Kumon, you might not be aware or would want some ideas/ tips on how to help your kids during the non-centre days. Keeping that in mind, we’ll share a few tips that we think might help in home study.

  1. Start with a distraction-free area for study: The constant chitter-chatter of parents, the never-ending noise from the TV, and the inevitable sounds from the daily household chores - there are a 100 ways to get distracted for a child when at home. Self-study with focus and concentration, under those circumstances, can be an impossible activity. And as someone who was a child once, you must have felt the need for a secluded, distraction-free study area for yourself, didn’t you? Now, it might be too late but your child can definitely use one.
  1. Encourage a consistent study routine: For Kumon to work effectively, it is important that your child develops a self-study routine and consistently follows it. Establishing a designated “Kumon time” can help set clear expectations, promote strong study habits, and hone your child’s time management skills. The designated time can be any: morning, afternoon, or evening and even night time. The key is to experiment with different times and see which one your child is comfortable with.
  1. Provide guidance, whenever they need it: Even though Kumon is about promoting children to be self-learners, your child might need help and guidance from you in the beginning. Don’t hesitate to step forward and help. However, understand the difference between need and want, and only help when the child really needs help. They must not get used to your guidance for every problem they face.
  1. Recognize or appreciate their achievements: Recognition and appreciation of efforts go a long way in encouraging your children to attempt and solve problems. So, whenever you get the chance, praise their efforts and achievements. You can even set up a reward system such as collecting stickers to exchange for prizes and so on.

Last but not least, make sure your child is taking reference from the directions and examples shared in the Kumon worksheets before attempting problems and writing answers correctly.



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