Kumon - Right Choice For all Ages & Abilities


What makes Kumon the right choice for all ages and learning abilities? Before we talk about the answer, we would want you to know how Kumon learning programme works. Below is a step by step guide to the entire process.

        Parents visit the Kumon education centre with their kids. The kid is then given a Diagnostic Test. This test has multiple questions which the child has to solve. The Diagnostic test helps Kumon instructors evaluate the kid’s present learning abilities and his/her present learning needs, enabling them to design a study plan that’s best suited to the child.

        The Diagnostic test helps evaluate the child’s learning abilities based on multiple factors which include the number of correct answers they got, and the time taken, whether they used the correct method to do the questions; and the reasons for any mistakes they made.

Now, irrespective of the child’s age, the Kumon instructor selects the right starting point for the child, that can be well below his/her actual school grade. Here’s why.

The students start from a point which they have already covered and are comfortable in doing. Here’s why.

        The objective of Kumon learning programmes is to enable students to solve Math and English problems without making simple and careless mistakes. Thus, students start with questions they deem the simplest and easiest.

        This approach puts the emphasis on comfort i.e. students should be able to first do the work comfortably without it being a burden to them.

        Starting from a point that’s well below a child’s actual grade helps him/her perform better, irrespective of whether they are good or bad in studies.

        In this way, students start to like studying and learn that they can do something if they try, and thus begin to enjoy their study and gain motivation and self-confidence.

To sum up, Kumon is the right choice for learning, for students of all ages and learning abilities. The learning at Kumon is not only focused on helping a child improve his/her academic performance but also to foster their holistic development. Kumon learning programmes enable students to be self-learners, taking charge of their studies independently, and mastering concepts one by one by starting from levels that’s ‘just right’ for them.

The objective is to enable students to go beyond their school grade level through self-learning and prepare them to advance to studying high school level material at an early age. To sum up, the Kumon Method is a learning method that pursues the potential of each individual student and develops his or her ability to the maximum.


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